The Climate Choir Movement

Rise in Song fundraising concert

11 October 2024: Rise in Song fundraising concert in Bristol drew an audience of over two hundred at All Saints Clifton coordinated by Kai Honey, musical director of the climate choir, and compered by activist musician Kimwei and choir member Kay. Singers from Bristol, London, Exeter, Portsmouth, Stroud and other parts of the UK assembled to sing songs from actions including powerful favourites Let Us Stand, Eradicate Ecocide and The Climate’s Changing. A vocal ensemble sang four songs from the balcony including Love is Stronger than Fear and This Ancient Land, and the jazz fusion band Plant with Legs entertained with multiple instruments played with panache. The interval included homemade cakes and a silent auction for donated prizes which supplemented ticket income and donations to raise funds, half of which go to the movement’s choir in Zimbabwe and to a bore hole in the drought-stricken country. Singer Ali Orbaum took the solo of People Have the Power with John Woodhouse on guitar, backed by the choir and audience – a truly rousing finale to a heartfelt motivating evening. Thanks to all who generously donated – and who continue to donate via the button on this website.

Other Choir Happenings

Rise in Song fundraising concert

11 October 2024: Rise in Song fundraising concert in Bristol drew an audience of over two hundred at All Saints Clifton compered by activist musician Kimwei and choir member Kay. Singers from Bristol...

Restore Nature Now

22 June 2024: The rousing chorus People Have the Power by Patti Smith rang out on Whitehall as sixty thousand marched to demand, in the days before a general election, that the government ATTENDS NOW...

Great Big Green Week

9 June 2024: Great Big Green Week is a UK-wide celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Here’s Sheffield Climate Choir singing ‘Earth’s Child’ by Emily Roblyn to...

Standard Chartered AGM

10 May 2024: The Climate Choir sang Fossil Fuels are Trouble during Standard Chartered Bank’s AGM in Aldersgate, City of London. Hey Standard Chartered, with everything at stake, it’s time, time to...

Defend Our Juries

7 April 2024: Taking inspiration from the early Quakers’ principle of ‘speaking truth to power’ and the view that juries must be allowed to vote according to their conscience, climate choir singers...

Houses of Parliament

7 March 2024: Stop Rosebank! No drilling in the North Sea! Over a hundred Climate Choir singers entered the Houses of Parliament in an extraordinary action to protest the idiocy of a new oil field...

Eradicate Ecocide, The City, London

4 December 2023: Financial decision-makers in the City of London were serenaded with a specially-composed rousing song. Its message: that environmentally-damaging decisions and acts (ecocide) by...

Unite to Survive South West

28 October 2023: Nature, climate and social justice groups gathered to raise the messages that must be central to all on the planet. The all-age crowd marched through the historic city of Bath with...

Flash mob at the Science Museum

7 October 2023: Fossil fuel funding corporations Adani and BP are sponsoring education programmes and an exhibition on the future of energy – can this be right? Singers massed inside the world-famous...