Flash mob at the Science Museum
7 October 2023: Fossil fuel funding corporations Adani and BP are sponsoring education programmes and an exhibition on the future of energy – can this be right? Singers massed inside the world-famous Science Museum in London to sing ‘Raise Your Voice’ and ‘The Climate’s Changing’. Visitors in the museum listened and joined in. The message to museum trustees is: get with the message, take an ethical lead, give up the greenwash. Watch the video…
Other Choir Happenings
22 June 2024: The rousing chorus People Have the Power by Patti Smith rang out on Whitehall as sixty thousand marched to demand, in the days before a general election, that the government ATTENDS NOW...
9 June 2024: Great Big Green Week is a UK-wide celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Here’s Sheffield Climate Choir singing ‘Earth’s Child’ by Emily Roblyn to...
10 May 2024: The Climate Choir sang Fossil Fuels are Trouble during Standard Chartered Bank’s AGM in Aldersgate, City of London. Hey Standard Chartered, with everything at stake, it’s time, time to...
7 April 2024: Taking inspiration from the early Quakers’ principle of ‘speaking truth to power’ and the view that juries must be allowed to vote according to their conscience, climate choir singers...
7 March 2024: Stop Rosebank! No drilling in the North Sea! Over a hundred Climate Choir singers entered the Houses of Parliament in an extraordinary action to protest the idiocy of a new oil field...
4 December 2023: Financial decision-makers in the City of London were serenaded with a specially-composed rousing song. Its message: that environmentally-damaging decisions and acts (ecocide) by...
28 October 2023: Nature, climate and social justice groups gathered to raise the messages that must be central to all on the planet. The all-age crowd marched through the historic city of Bath with...
7 October 2023: Fossil fuel funding corporations Adani and BP are sponsoring education programmes and an exhibition on the future of energy – can this be right? Singers massed inside the world-famous...
30 September 2023: Gaia, the whole earth, suspended over singers from Bath Climate Choir, reminding all of the vital need to protect our planet. The work by artist Luke Jerram, together with songs...