Restore Nature Now
22 June 2024: The rousing chorus People Have the Power by Patti Smith rang out on Whitehall, London as sixty thousand marched to demand, in the days before a general election, that the government ATTENDS NOW to the wildlife crisis. Inspiring musician and bard Kimwei led the Climate Choir on stage in Parliament Square singing with the crowds I’m Loving Nature Instead, an adaptation of a well-known Robbie Williams song. In a remarkable synchronicity, just after naturalist Chris Packham, hosting the day, had said that a peregrine falcon is occasionally seen above the Houses of Parliament, three peregrines appeared directly above! A line-up of powerful speakers included Nemonte Nenquimo, Indigenous activist from the Amazonian region of Ecuador, Asad Rehman from War on Want, and inspiring 10-year-old Aneeshwar Kunchala who flagged up the risk of extinction for many species, along with organisations including the RSPB and the Wildlife Trusts, and direct action campaigners.