The Climate Choir Movement

Restore Nature Now

22 June 2024: The rousing chorus People Have the Power by Patti Smith rang out on Whitehall as sixty thousand marched to demand, in the days before a general election, that the government ATTENDS NOW to the wildlife crisis. Inspiring musician and bard Kimwei led the Climate Choir singing with huge crowds I’m Loving Nature Instead, an adaptation of a well-known Robbie Williams song. In remarkable synchronicity, just after naturalist Chris Packham, hosting the day, had said that a peregrine falcon is occasionally seen above the Houses of Parliament, three peregrines appeared directly above! A line-up of powerful speakers included Nemonte Nenquimo, Indigenous activist from the Amazonian region of Ecuador, Asad Rehman from War on Want, and inspiring 10-year-old Aneeshwar Kunchala who flagged up the risk of extinction for many species, along with organisations including the RSPB and the Wildlife Trusts, and direct action campaigners.

Great Big Green Week

9 June 2024: Great Big Green Week is a UK-wide celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Here’s Sheffield Climate Choir singing ‘Earth’s Child’ by Emily Roblyn to celebrate Sheffield’s rivers in an event organised with the South Yorkshire Climate Alliance. At Castlegate, looking out over the river, the Sheffield Climate Choir was joined by singers who had been raising their voices as part of the National Street Choirs Festival which filled the streets of Sheffield with music throughout the weekend.

Standard Chartered AGM

10 May 2024: The Climate Choir sang Fossil Fuels are Trouble during Standard Chartered Bank’s AGM in Aldersgate, City of London. Hey Standard Chartered, with everything at stake, it’s time, time to choose what kind of bank you want to be – lyrics adapted from Taylor Swift’s ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’. SCB is currently chairing the Net Zero Banking Alliance with the stated aim of ‘aligning members’ lending and investment portfolios with net-zero emissions by 2050’ – Hey SCB! Wake up! The climate emergency is Now! Your investments in fossil fuels in Mozambique and the Philippines have Zero intention of reducing carbon emissions. Listen to the message and take action towards renewables Now.

Houses of Parliament

7 March 2024: Stop Rosebank! No drilling in the North Sea! Over a hundred Climate Choir singers entered the Houses of Parliament in an extraordinary action to protest the idiocy of a new oil field that will emit tonnes of carbon dioxide and whose profits will largely go to the Norwegian company Equinor. Choirs from all over the UK surged through Westminster Hall to St Stephen’s Hall near the centre of power as MPs and struck up a Handel-inspired chorus that stopped staff, MPs and visiting public in their tracks. On the day after the budget the message was green energy is cheap and radically more sustainable. The government needs to listen up.

Unite to Survive South West

28 October 2023: Nature, climate and social justice groups gathered to raise the messages that must be central to all on the planet. The all-age crowd marched through the historic city of Bath with around 75 singers from the burgeoning Climate Choir Movement singing of determination to act against polluters and awareness of the intersectional issues facing everyone on the planet. In unison we’re beautiful, harmonies are strong.

Flash mob at the Science Museum

7 October 2023: Fossil fuel funding corporations Adani and BP are sponsoring education programmes and an exhibition on the future of energy – can this be right? Singers massed inside the world-famous Science Museum in London to sing ‘Raise Your Voice’ and ‘The Climate’s Changing’. Visitors in the museum listened and joined in. The message to museum trustees is: get with the message, take an ethical lead, give up the greenwash.

Royal Courts of Justice London

26 July 2023: Singers support justice for climate activist Marcus Decker who has appealed against the length of a sentence given last year. The song: ‘The Climate’s Changing What Are We Doing?’ was written by Marcus.

Barclays AGM

3 May 2023: Singers from Bristol, London, Bath, Stroud, Oxford and Southampton interrupt Barclays Chairman Nigel Higgins and directors with a song inspired by the Spice Girls: ‘Stop Right Now… Stop funding fossil fuels and end this madness…Climate change is going too fast, fossil fuels belong in the past’. Lyrics appear on the autocue and are signed at the front as the song crescendos. Singers continue sounding out the message, audible to the AGM, when escorted to the entrance hall

Climate Choir Movement crescendos

1st May 2023: On May Day the recently-formed Bath Climate Choir sings Let Us Stand: ‘…as we face the coming storm, for we love this land, let’s work for a better dawn’ on a site where people have gathered to sing for around 1300 years, next to Bath Abbey. The Bath Choir is one of several that have formed following Bristol’s lead – we now have choirs in London, Stroud, Oxford, Southampton. Together we are strong!